West Virginia

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At Concord Dental & Medical Seminars, we’re here to make getting your CE quick, easy, and convenient.

We’re a West Virginia provider with the official credentials in place to provide you with the certificates you need in order to grow your career. Review your state’s requirements below along with the opportunities we provide to assist you in earning your next CE.

What is my Renewal Cycle?

DENTISTS - Each dentist and dental hygienist shall submit to the Board by February 1, 2024, and every two years thereafter documentation of satisfactory completion of the required hours of continuing education during the previous two years
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Each dentist and dental hygienist shall submit to the Board by February 1, 2024, and every two years thereafter documentation of satisfactory completion of the required hours of continuing education during the previous two years

How Many Credits Do I Need?

DENTISTS - Each licensed dentist shall complete biennially not less than 35 hours of continuing education.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Each licensed dental hygienist shall complete biennially not less than 20 hours of continuing education.

What, if Any, Are The Mandatory Subjects?

DENTISTS - "Licensed dentists shall complete at least 3 hours of continuing education regarding drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training and training on prescribing and administration of an opioid antagonist and shall report those hours each reporting period. The Board may waive these requirements for a licensed dentist who has not prescribed, administered, or dispensed a controlled substance during the reporting period At least 2 hours of continuing education shall be related to any one or combination of the following subjects during each continuing education reporting period: infection control and/or occupational hazards; oral effects of tobacco use; or oral effects of substance abuse. A current certification for a comprehensive basic life support course for a health care provider that includes: resuscitation on an adult, child, and infant; two-person rescuer; barrier mask or bag for ventilation; foreign body airway obstruction; and automated external defibrillation Class 2 anesthesia certificate holders must complete at least 6 hours of continuing education credits and class 3 and class 4 anesthesia permit holders must complete 16 hours of credits in one or more of the following areas: oral or nitrous oxide sedation; conscious sedation; general anesthesia; physical evaluation; medical emergencies; monitors and use of monitoring equipment; pharmacology; advanced cardiac life support, (maximum of 8 hours credit); pediatric advanced life support (maximum of 8 hours credit); and advanced trauma life support (maximum of 8 hours credit)."
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - "At least 2 hours of continuing education shall be related to any one or combination of the following subjects during each continuing education reporting period: infection control and/or occupational hazards; oral effects of tobacco use; or oral effects of substance abuse. A current certification for a comprehensive basic life support course for a health care provider that includes: resuscitation on an adult, child, and infant; two-person rescuer; barrier mask or bag for ventilation; foreign body airway obstruction; and automated external defibrillation"

Is There a Limit to The Number of Online Classes

80% of the required hours may be obtained by supervised self-instruction. Supervised self-instruction shall include a testing mechanism supplied by a permanent or Board approved biennial sponsor.

Upcoming Events in West Virginia


A Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrade Your 2D and CBCT Radiographic Diagnostic Skills

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Morgantown, West Virginia
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